
Thursday, January 13, 2011

The society of Limbu

          The limbu society belongs to the Kirant groups of the eastern Nepal. They are a Tibeto-Burama group. They are divided into various clans and have many sub lineage clans. Most clans have defined localities. Some of their names are similar to the names of their localities. Their languages belong to their Tibeto- Burman families. Most of them are speak Nepali. Limbu religion is animistic and very similar to that of the Rai, which mostly involves in the worship of ancestor anf nature. Limbu society has its own priests, known as phedangma. Yalangma is one of their festivals. During these festivals the harvest dance is done. Man and women join their hands from a large circle and dance with rhythmic forward and backward steps to a big drumb. Limbu women wear gold and silver ornaments. Some men are joining in army.

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