
Friday, January 14, 2011

Kirat Period

             The kitat period is the dawn of the Nepalies History. Lack of reliable evidence and inscriptions the kirat Period is a dark and prehistoric period of Nepalese History. No proof has been found regarding of the antiquity of the kirat People. Kitats are mentioned in the Mahabharat they are of Tibeto- Burman families living between the Himalayas and the genetic plain. According to some scholars the term kirat is a corrupt from a Kiriyat meaning fort or town .The ancient people who used to reside in for began to called kirat. Some thinks that the forerunners of the Indus valley civilization were the kirats. Some other people connected them with samer or Egypt.  When they were defeated in their original home land they migrate towards the east. One section move toward central Asia and the second toward India. In India when they were defeated by Aryans they took shelter in the Himalayan region, entered the Kathmandu valley and start out their kingdom there, likely in the 8th century or 7th century BC.

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