
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Maha shivaratri

 Maha Shivaratri
                    Numerous festival are celebrate in Nepal, among them Maha shivaratri is one festival of Nepal. Shiva is the great God Mahadev who resides in the Himalayan. The temple of Pashupatinath the protector of animals, sits on the out skrits of Kathmandu at the bank of the river Baghmati. People believe that the spirit of shiva is everywhere, dwelling in the thousand of Idos and monuments and it pervades the heart, mind and lives of the Nepali people. Shivaratri is the great night of the God of destruction. It is said that in the remote past Shiva appeared in the disguised as a forest deer. The shrine of pashupatinath was built across the river Baghmati. During the shivaratri numerous devotees from all over the world come to Kathmandu to worship Pashupatinath. They congregate and sit before all night fire. They sing hymns and dancing. Some people take drugs as the form so pure food which is given by Shiva.    

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