
Friday, January 14, 2011


          Nepal is an underdeveloped land locked nation of enormous cultural and ethnic diversity. It has a population of about 30000000 6000rivers and rivulets, 5000 species of vascular and 175 species of mammals and 850species of birds. Its total areas are 147881 sq km. It is 35time smaller than India and 68 times smaller than China. Its territory runs 885kms, from east to west having a non – uniform mean width of 193 kms. North to south latitude 260 22 N to 300 27 N and longitude 800 4 E to 880 2 E. Nepal is divided into three diverse ecological zones: - the Terai, Hill and Mountain. The Terai is that lowland narrow strip with rich valuable soil suitable for extensive cultivatation of food and case crops. The Terai runs from east to west along the southern part of the county occupying 21.4%of the tolal area. The Hill region lies between an attitude of 610 meters and 4,877meters above sea level. It Cover 44.4% of the total land area, including several beautiful valleys, basin, lakes, herbs and precious stones. There is also a subtropical forest including chlripine forest in the western part.
      Administratively, Nepal is divided in to five development region 14 administrative zones 75 districts and 3995 VDC
Before its unification in A.D 1768 Nepal was divided into several micro principalities. Prithivi Narayan Shah (1723-1775) master builder of modern Nepal, initiated the process of territorial integration continued even after his death in 1775 and by 1808 the frontiers of Nepal extended a distanced of approximately 1,300 miles from east to west. Unfortunately war with the British east India compahy from 1814 to 1816 led it a confinement of the Mechi River in the east and the Mahakali River in the west, the total area being 147181sq km. From 1768 onward the shah officer led a bloody coup in 1846 and established himself as de facto ruler of Nepal relegating the power of the shah king of a jure head. The Rana autocratic family rule that lasted for 104 years from 1846 to 1950, plugged Nepal into unproductiveness and complete isolation from the rest of the world.
          Newely born democracy in 1951 unfortunately receive a big jolt when the late king Mhendra (1920-1972) dismissed the elected government banned all political practice and announced a direct leadership of the king and the constitution  empowered sovereignty of the people in the crown. The panchayat rule lasted for about three decades (from 1961 – 1999) restored democracy in Nepal. The salient features of the constitution of Nepal 2047B.S (1991) assimilate constitutional monarchy, adult franchise and a multiparty system.

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