
Friday, January 14, 2011


          Nepal is an underdeveloped land locked nation of enormous cultural and ethnic diversity. It has a population of about 30000000 6000rivers and rivulets, 5000 species of vascular and 175 species of mammals and 850species of birds. Its total areas are 147881 sq km. It is 35time smaller than India and 68 times smaller than China. Its territory runs 885kms, from east to west having a non – uniform mean width of 193 kms. North to south latitude 260 22 N to 300 27 N and longitude 800 4 E to 880 2 E. Nepal is divided into three diverse ecological zones: - the Terai, Hill and Mountain. The Terai is that lowland narrow strip with rich valuable soil suitable for extensive cultivatation of food and case crops. The Terai runs from east to west along the southern part of the county occupying 21.4%of the tolal area. The Hill region lies between an attitude of 610 meters and 4,877meters above sea level. It Cover 44.4% of the total land area, including several beautiful valleys, basin, lakes, herbs and precious stones. There is also a subtropical forest including chlripine forest in the western part.
      Administratively, Nepal is divided in to five development region 14 administrative zones 75 districts and 3995 VDC
Before its unification in A.D 1768 Nepal was divided into several micro principalities. Prithivi Narayan Shah (1723-1775) master builder of modern Nepal, initiated the process of territorial integration continued even after his death in 1775 and by 1808 the frontiers of Nepal extended a distanced of approximately 1,300 miles from east to west. Unfortunately war with the British east India compahy from 1814 to 1816 led it a confinement of the Mechi River in the east and the Mahakali River in the west, the total area being 147181sq km. From 1768 onward the shah officer led a bloody coup in 1846 and established himself as de facto ruler of Nepal relegating the power of the shah king of a jure head. The Rana autocratic family rule that lasted for 104 years from 1846 to 1950, plugged Nepal into unproductiveness and complete isolation from the rest of the world.
          Newely born democracy in 1951 unfortunately receive a big jolt when the late king Mhendra (1920-1972) dismissed the elected government banned all political practice and announced a direct leadership of the king and the constitution  empowered sovereignty of the people in the crown. The panchayat rule lasted for about three decades (from 1961 – 1999) restored democracy in Nepal. The salient features of the constitution of Nepal 2047B.S (1991) assimilate constitutional monarchy, adult franchise and a multiparty system.

Geographical of Nepal

Location: - Nepal is situated in the southern slope of Himalayas between china and India.
Land area: - Present total area is 147181sq kms and Nepal’s average length is 885 kms. Its width is between 241kms
Physical features: - Broadly, Nepal is characterized by three geographical which are given below:-
1)   The Mountain and Himalayas
2)   The Hill
3)   The Terai
The Mountain areas range attitude from 8,787 meters above from sea level. This regain include the world’s most famous peak, Mountain, which is 8,848 meters above from the sea level. The hilly area is mostly between 610 meters and 4,877 meters in attitude from sea level and includes the Kathmandu valley. The Terai region of Nepal are the extension of the undo- Genetic  plain of India and form a low flat land belt  including most of the fertile and dense forest area of the country. The mountain and the hill together comprise almost 83% of the total land. The terai region comprises 17% of the total land. The Terai is known as the granary of Nepal.

Briefly introduction to Neplies culture and History

          Before the unification of Nepal, the Kathmandu valley used o is called Nepal. So, it is unification in the 18th century by the Prithivi Naryan shah. Reference to Nepal is found in the famous Hindu epic Mahabhara to and puranes, and in the Buddhist and Jain scriptures, which established the independent entity? According to the vamshavalish, the Gopals, the Abhiras and the Kiratas ruled over a long period of the time. They are the ancient ruler of the Nepal.

Kirat Period

             The kitat period is the dawn of the Nepalies History. Lack of reliable evidence and inscriptions the kirat Period is a dark and prehistoric period of Nepalese History. No proof has been found regarding of the antiquity of the kirat People. Kitats are mentioned in the Mahabharat they are of Tibeto- Burman families living between the Himalayas and the genetic plain. According to some scholars the term kirat is a corrupt from a Kiriyat meaning fort or town .The ancient people who used to reside in for began to called kirat. Some thinks that the forerunners of the Indus valley civilization were the kirats. Some other people connected them with samer or Egypt.  When they were defeated in their original home land they migrate towards the east. One section move toward central Asia and the second toward India. In India when they were defeated by Aryans they took shelter in the Himalayan region, entered the Kathmandu valley and start out their kingdom there, likely in the 8th century or 7th century BC.

Lichhavis and their cultural History

        Krats king ruling in the Kathmandu valley where gradually suppressed by Lichhavis. The rulers of Vaishali established a new state in the Himalayas in the early centuries of the christen era. They were lichivis. During this period a cultural metamorphosis of sorts took place. Some off shot of the lichhivis started to worship Pashupati.  Some idols were worshipped as Siva in some form. Later, pashupati worshipped by Buddhists as avalokitsuara. During the period of Lichhavs had already established feudal patterns brought Aryan Brahmanic tradition? The Sanskrit language and also artistic feature from India. Hinduism and Buddhism   were practiced side by side and they influenced the culture of the valley.
Two major factors are responsible for the prolific   development of cultural during the Lichhavi Period. First Lichhivis rulers were not only tolerant of all ideas, religious and thoughts but also patronized all work of art and culture liberally. Second they maintained their kingdom as a trade route between India, Tibet and China and Kathmandu becomes the center of trade. Other factors that shared and contributed to the promotion and development of culture in the Kathmandu valley was agriculture. The valley replaced the practice of the shifting cultivation and the people become settled agriculturists. Geometrical farming knowledge is reflected in the temple architecture as well as in the iconography of Nepal. More ever abundant crops in the valley gave artisans ample resources and leisure to indulge in art and festivities. By the beginning of the 15th century, the Lichavis had established an absolute monarchy in the valley. Institutions were set up to regulate and govern the liaison between the ruler and the ruled. Religious congregations as well as panchalika enjoyed.
Women were highly respected in the society. They took part in social- activities. Rajyavatti the mother of Mandeva used to take interest even in administrative matters. She was a great source of inspiration to the golden period of the History of Nepal.
*    Monument of the Lichhavis
The political border of Nepal was extended greatly during the period. In order to run the administration they built monumental building like kailashkut Bhaban and Managrina.
*    Administration system
Although the king was the final authority, suggestions were sought from people. A king of Minister existed and the country was divided into several administrative units power was decentralized. Justice was carried out through the legal codes.
*    International relation
The lichhavis had very good relation with India, Tibet, and China. The marriage of the princes Bhrikuti was a good step. During this period culture, religion, society and art influenced the lifestyle of the people.
*    Religion system
Salvaism and Buddhism coexisted in the society. The lichhavis were Hindus but did not prohibit Buddhism. The king had respect for all religious. Many Temple were constructed stone taps, well, roads, and monasteries were also constructed in many places.

Medieval Nepal and the Malla Dynasty

      Before 600 B.C there existed the small petty states of the malla king near the near the border of Nepal and India. After the Mahanirvan of Buddha, king Ajatasatru of Magadha defeated the kingdom of the Lichhavis and sakyas. As result of their defeat these groupmigrated to the Himalayan region in the north. During this period the Malla moved toward the mountain and Lichhavis fled to the Kathmandu valley. During the 13th century A.D there was a strong Malla kingdom in Dulla in far western Nepal. King Manadeva of the Lichhavi dynasty and earlier defeated the Malla of west, so these Malla were waiting for on opportunity to take revenge. Eventually the Mallas become stronger while the Lichhavis became very malla king. He ruled from 1201 to 12196. 

Jayasthiti Malla

            King Jayasthiti Malla was a very ambitious king. He was a lover of literature and reformer and he revolutionized the social, political, economic, and religious life of Nepali society. During his period many communities of different castes from Terai had migrated to Kathmandu. Tourism was developing in the society and the traditional religious system was deteriorating (make wrong), people were becoming undisciplined and economic conditions were very bad. In the meantime, there were earthquakes, quarrels and revolts which had weekend the economic system of Nepal. Malla took strong steps to control such events with multiple reforms.
Reforms of Jayasthiti Malla
v    Social Reforms
         Malla stratified the whole society according to the Varma system in to various casts and sub castes based on the ancient system of Hindu Philosophy. The basis of the caste system was maintained according to hierarchy occupation and commensality. The Newar community was also divided in to the various castes and sub castes. Malla made strick rules for each caste and sub caste.
v                        Religious Reforms
Jayasthiti Malla was a religious minded king. He constructed many temple and shrines and established trusts for their management and renovaton.
v    Reforms in Art
During Jayasthiti Malla’s time Newari and Sanskrit language developed equally, Poems written in Sanskrit language. He told some scholars to write dramas about Ramayan.He were very fond of songs, music, dances and painting.
v    Economic and other Reforms
Jayasthiti Malla began to systematize laws. Criminal were punished, fines were taken from such criminals. He divided the land on the basis of productivity in to four categories. He started the modern of measurement by creating measuring units such as Mana, Pathi, Pau, Dharni etc.

Yaksha Malla(A.D 1428-1482)

Yakasha Malla ruled in Nepal from 1428 to 1482 A.D. He extended the territory of Nepal up to Morang, Gorkha and Bhot. He surrounded Bhaktapur with brick walls. He traveled to the various religious places. He also initiated construction on historical buildings and shrines. He was on able administer.  He was a lover of literatureAfter his death the Kathmandu valley was divided into three kingdoms, Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur. After this Nepal start break in to pieces. His son was trying to get more power and money and so there was internal dissension, court conspiracy, factionalism and internal discord. This led to the weakening of Malla rule.

General introduction of Nepali society

         The geographical features of Nepal have been decisive is shaping its socio cultural. Its various distinctive cultures and language are products of different ecological zones and its isolation. However isolation was been because Nepalese people could protect their distinctive cultural life for a long period of time. Geographically Nepal is forest-bound mountainous country. It is surrounded by Plains Indian borders Nepal in the south and China borders the country in the north. Life in the mountains the Himalayas and in hill is very difficult.
The Tarai occupies the southern musts part of the country and consists of deep alluvial material. The Tarai is known as the granary of Nepal. Because of dense forests like charkoshe jhadi malaria used to be a nuisance however now the region hosts many different ethnic caste / groups who have come from the hills and mountains. The mountains, hill and forest have proved a natural bulwark for Nepal against foreign invasion.   
The self-sufficiency of the valley then turned toward art, literature and craftsmanship. The valley then was the center of social, cultural and political activities. The aroused of jealousy in outsiders, who attacked the valley several times and looted many valuable things. The difference in climate between the hills, mountain and the Terai also marks the difference of social customs, usages and values. People in the north and valley wear warm woolen dresses like bhoto, coats and so on. Terai people wear light cool and loose dresses such as dhoti kurta and so on. Meat and alcohol are very common. In houses types, ornaments, hair style and other social cultural phenomena are different.
Because of the lack of enough evidence it is difficult to say much about the earliest inhabitants of Nepal society. If we look at the present make up of the ethnic and cast structure of Nepali society, it is composed of three major groups which is given below:-
Hindu Group: - Barhmin, Chhetri and untouchable, except some parts of the northern Himalayan region these are distributed throughout the kingdom.
Ethnic Tribal Group: - Traditionally these had a distinct inhabitant in various ecological zones of Nepal. After 1990, they become distributed throughout Nepal.
Other: - Mostly in the Terain and in Kathmandu including Muslims, Christian and Sikhs is the distinct religious group. The people of the northern valley follow Tibetan cultural traditions regarding language, religion and economic. Their lifestyle is similar to those of Tibetan people in many respects because of the geographical proximity and origin. At the other extreme the people of the Terai except the Tharus are oriented towards the culture and economic of the Genetic plain. The temperature highland are the natural home land of the Tebeto-Burman people who speak their own dialects.  The caste –stratified Paharis who speak Nepali are widely distributed in the lower sub- tropical zones. Prior to the arrival of the Hindus from the eastern and western parts of the Himalayas, the Hills include the Gurung and Magar in the central hills the Tamangs are the most prevalent, followed by the Rai and Limbu ethnic groups in eastern Nepal.
The main casts and their culture, society and lifestyle are given below: -

Society of Brahmin and Chhetri

        The two main groups Brahmin and chhetri have a played a dominant role in the formation of modern Nepal and in the political, social and religious realms. More than half of the Brahmin and chhetri live in the western hills. They are minority in Terai. These Brahmin and Chhetri came to Nepal in the 12th century due to Muslim invasions in India. The main occupation of Brahmin and chhetri are forming, government and military service. Brahmin also acts as family priest. Besides farming chherti and Thakuri men traditionally join the military service and renowned all over the world. The Brahmin considers itself pure and higher than the other. Most of Brahmin and Chhetri is Hindu. They speak National language Nepali. They celebrated he different festival ssuch as Dashain, Tihar, Teej and so on. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The society of Newari

         The Newar are one of the most important societies of Nepal mainly living in Kathmandu. They are mainly a mercantile community. According some scholars the group’s main place as origin is Nayer Province situated in southern India. It is believed that Newar came to Nepal with the first Licchavi king. The Newar has theirs owns language. Newari language was the state language until A.D 1769. The society of Newar is divided into different segments, their cultural and structure is similar. There are both Hindu and Buddhist Newars. The Newars are famous for their Joint family system and many festivals. They worship a large pantheon of deities. They also worship another Tantric god, Bhairan. The Newar also maintain some distinctive cultural practices. One of them is Ihi, the mock marriage ceremony for given to virgin girls. The Newar have also a highly elaborate Guthi system of common trust to regulate their social and religious obligations. The Newar are very prominent in art and architecture. Newars lead ethnic and cast groups in business, trade and commerce.

The society of Gurung

      The Gurung people live on the southern slope of the Annapurna Himalayan region in the west Nepal, including the Gorkha, Lamjung, Karnali and sanjya district. Gurung also found in Baglung, along the Kaligandaki River. The Gurung are ethnically related to the magar, Thakali and Kirants of east Nepal. Many Gurung have joined the army. Their economic is based mainly on agriculture and sheep rearing. They grow rice, wheat, maize, milled and potatoes. Gurung are very skillful in wearing blankets and jackets from sheep wool. Gurung women wear nose rings and their favorite ornaments are the coral necklace.
        The Rodi gives ample opportunity for young boys and girls to develop mutual love. It is a meeting place for young people which are supervised by elderly women. They generally gather in one place and they sing and dance in Rodhi. Love marriage is popular in Gurung society. They have their own language and own festivals. They celebrate the festival in their own way.

The society of Limbu

          The limbu society belongs to the Kirant groups of the eastern Nepal. They are a Tibeto-Burama group. They are divided into various clans and have many sub lineage clans. Most clans have defined localities. Some of their names are similar to the names of their localities. Their languages belong to their Tibeto- Burman families. Most of them are speak Nepali. Limbu religion is animistic and very similar to that of the Rai, which mostly involves in the worship of ancestor anf nature. Limbu society has its own priests, known as phedangma. Yalangma is one of their festivals. During these festivals the harvest dance is done. Man and women join their hands from a large circle and dance with rhythmic forward and backward steps to a big drumb. Limbu women wear gold and silver ornaments. Some men are joining in army.

The society of Rai

          The society of Rai belongs with the Limbu and Yakha. They are the member of a large group known as the Kirant people. The ancient history and archeology of Nepal indicates that they had a long dynastic rule in the Kathmandu valley until the second century. The Rai people are Tibeto – burman. They speak their own language. An anthropological and linguistic study indicates that the RAi society consists of a group of people speaking mutually unintelligible language. Rai are divided tnto several clans and sub clans with their settlements near one another. They celebrate various festivals with dance liquor and meats. The Rai people have long been recognized as one of the communities, most skilled in martial arts. They are changing quickly due to education and mobility.  Their traditional values and customs are changing because of the mass media, radio and television.

The society of Magar

          The Magar society is mainly wast of kaligandaki River, east of Karnali, north of the churia hill and south of the Himalayan region. Magar community generally inhabits the south west base of Dhaulagiri region. Originally the Magar came from Tibet. It is belief that they migrate to Nepal along with the Humtribe. Some call them Huns but some say they are Heptals. These Heptals adopted the Hindu religion and settled, creating a small petty stale. The Heptals were primarily inhabitants of central Asia. Later they become Magar. Politically they are active. Some claims that they are lower caste. They prefer cross-cousin marriage. In magar society widow re-marriage is prevalent among them. They speak a Tibeto- Burman language. Teir min occupation is agriculture but many of them service in the army both in Nepal and in foreign countries. They have greatly contributed to the unification of the Nepal. Their main source of income comes from army service, although a few do business and some are in the civil service. 

The soiety of Sharpa

           The sharpa are known as inhabitants of the east. They live along the Dhudkosi River in the salukhumbu district. The Solukhumbu area is the natural home of the Sherpas. They have retained much of the Tibeatan culture. Some scholars believe that sherpas migrated 600years ago. Sherpas are said to have migrated from khumin northeast Tibet. They live between 8,500ft and 14500ft in the Himalayan Mountain of northeast of Nepal. During the winter season they trade. They usually return to their home the New Year celebration, which is called Lossar. Their occupation is directly related to their mountain environment and falls into four district categories: - field agriculture, animal husbandry, trade and mountaineering. The Dumdze festival is celebrated for seven days in village Gumba(monastery) in july. Many young sharpas have taken training of national as well as international institutes in tracking and mountaineering.

Main festival of Nepal

       The whole year is a series of festivals. In Nepal, festivals are the main attraction of Nepali life. They preserve the religion beliefs, the social customs and the economic wellbeing of the people of Nepal. Festivals started in Nepal out of admiration fear and curiosity. The concept of heaven and hell are the basis foundations of the many of ours festivals. During the festivals the people of Nepal pay the debts of their Gods and teacher. As diverse as the ethnic make-up of the population, the festivals of Nepal reflects the cultural mosaic that is the kingdom. Some major festivals which are celebrate in Nepal as given below:-

Dashain the festival of Joy

                Dashain is the most suspicious and joys time of the year for Nepali society. It is celebrate all cast ot the country and creeds of both Hindus and Buddhists. It is celebration of the Goddess Durga the divine mother Godddess who is supposed to save people from evil force. In Dashain people are flying kite in the sky. It is the biggest and important festival in Nepali society. During the Dashain festival Hindus worships Durga in her different forms. Mainly in form of Kali the Goddess of power. People sacrifice animals, visit Durga Temple and take Tika and Jamara from the elders. It is also known as Vijaya Dasami ten days of Victory. During this festival people share happiness each other.
          The first day of Dashain is called Ghatasthapana. In this day people take mud and water from the Holy River and put the Jaramra in corner of the dark room. The seventh day of Dashain is called Fulpati. Its meaning is sacred flowers and leaves. In this day people take flowers, leaves and sugarcane to Dashain Ghar at Hunuman Dhika from Gorkha Palace.
          Following fulpati come kalratri, known as the Maha Astami. Hundreds of Buffalo, goats, sheep, chickens and ducks are sacrificed at the Durga Temple at night. Taleju temple is open for the public only on the Astami and Nawami where devotees see blood and dead body of buffalo laying on the ground. The animal owner takes the meat back to their homes for family feasts.
          The ninth day is known as Maha Nawami, the last day of Nowaratri. People visit temple and worship the Durga. During this day people sacrifice the animals to Durga. On this day mechanical instruments such as tools, vicles etc receive puja of sacrificed blood to ensure their continued and productive running.
          The tenth day is called Vijay Dashami, the great tenth day of victory. It is said to be the celebration of the victory of Loard Rama, defined by Hindu mythology as an incarnation of Loard Vishnu, against Ravana, the fiendish king of demon hords form Sirlankas. On the occasion of vijaya Dasanu all Hindus pay visit to their elders for Tika and jamara blessing kade of vermilion power, rice and milk curd. The elder bless the younger with Jamara, planted on Ghatashapana, which asks for the well-being of the younger.  

Tihar,Bhai Tika and the festival of light.

             The five of Tihar are celebrate in October of in early November. This festival falls during the harvest season. Tihar is also the festival of light. Tihar is a time to worship Laxmi, God of wealth, and a day to worship one’s own body, worship of ill-omened crows, dogs, sacred cows, bull-oxen,the family money box and brother everywhere during this festival. Tihar is the day of Laxmi puja every home, temple and building is graced by row of light. Laxmi were a crown of jewels, a garland of flowers and heavenly brilliance. The Nepali adores Laxmi makes gifts and offering to her, worship her idols and propitiate her especially during the Tihar festival.
          There is a interesting story regarding the origin of this festival. Ancient king Bali by dint of his pious and charitable acts, achieved good fortune and later become more powerful then the God and held and Gods in prison. Laxmi and Vishnu intervened with Bali and gave him the kingdom of the netherworld.
          Tihar is also called yamapanchak, or fivwe day of Yama Panchak. On the first day of crow, the massager of Yama, is worshiped. The second day of Tihar is worship of the dog, as the dog is the great keeper of yama. The third of Tihar is Laxmi puja. Laxmi is the earth mother, and the cow which provides milk, is therefore venerated and worship by the people. In the evening women and children go from door to door singing the Bhailo song and asking for alms, receiving coins or money and sweet meats from every house wife? The fourth day of Tihar is celebrated by worshipping the bull or oxen or Guru to protect these valuable animals from disease and accident. Maha puja is done on the fourth day especially by the Newar community. The last day of Tihar is Bhai Tika, is most important day of Tihar. On this day every brother is worshipped by sisters and receives blessing and best wishes for theirs longevity and future prosperity. At the same time Tika is given by brother they present gifts to their sister in case and good. It is a grand occasion for married sister to renew their love and affection with her natal homes.

Maha shivaratri

 Maha Shivaratri
                    Numerous festival are celebrate in Nepal, among them Maha shivaratri is one festival of Nepal. Shiva is the great God Mahadev who resides in the Himalayan. The temple of Pashupatinath the protector of animals, sits on the out skrits of Kathmandu at the bank of the river Baghmati. People believe that the spirit of shiva is everywhere, dwelling in the thousand of Idos and monuments and it pervades the heart, mind and lives of the Nepali people. Shivaratri is the great night of the God of destruction. It is said that in the remote past Shiva appeared in the disguised as a forest deer. The shrine of pashupatinath was built across the river Baghmati. During the shivaratri numerous devotees from all over the world come to Kathmandu to worship Pashupatinath. They congregate and sit before all night fire. They sing hymns and dancing. Some people take drugs as the form so pure food which is given by Shiva.    

Holy festival

people celebrate Holi
             Holy is an ancient Hindu festival named after the Holika demon. The religious significance of this festival lost today. During Holi, man, women and boys and girls throw color in the streets. These days’ young girls are the targets of the boys. In Kathmandu this colorful festival starts with the erection of a ceremonial pole called chir at Basantapur. The festival lasted for seven days. The celebrations come to an end, when the sun goes down on seventh day. The pulling down of the ceremonial pole formally declares the end of the festival. It is the important festival for the Terai people.

Teej (women festival)

Women celebrate the Tej festival
              Teej is the festival traditionally organized only for women. An ideal Hindu women aspires to many things a blissful conjugal life, progress and prosperity for her husband a good future for herself and purification of her body and soul. For an unmarried women compliance with the age old tradition ensure a good loving and caring husband. The first of the Teej both marred and unmarried can gather in one place. Amidst and they are laughing, singing, dancing, jacking and enjoying lavish dishes. The merry making goes on until midnight from which the women undergo a twenty four hour fast during which not even a piece of food or single drop of liquid is allowed. He next day these women generally wear crimson saris, singing and dancing in the street leading to Shiva shrines. The Pashupatinath temple is only open to women and priests for that day. They change the religious hymns.  The third and last day of the Teej festival is called Rishipanchami. On this day women who have undergone the agonizing fast pay homage to various deities situated on the bank of scared rivers. After a holy bath in the river, they use a piece of datiwan, a scared plant with religious and medicical significance to sprinkle holy water all over their bodies three hundred sixty times. They brush their teeth with the datiwan again three hundred sixty times. The rituals help them to secure exoneration of all sins they might have committed in the past year knowingly or unknowingly.      

Jai jatra

Jai Jatra
       Gai jatra iss a typical Nepal festival and it is celebrated for one week. This festival was started by King Jayasthithi Malla whose wife was grief stricken by the death of her son to console the queen and to make her smile. During this festival cows or boys wear the headdress of a cow. They are taken around the traditional route of the city of the Kathmandu. Each cow pr bay represents eh number of members of families who died during the preceding year. This festival is related to the Human obligation toward their ancestors.

War with the East India company and Nepal

              From the ancient times, Bhot dependent on mall currencies. Coins were illogically minted in Bhot, which created conflict between Bhot and Nepal. It resulted in war in 1789. The British East India Company wanted to have trade and commercial activities through Nepal with Tibet and china. Tibet was a potential area to sell woolen goods made in England and to export raw wool to England because woolens from Tibet and to be available in large amount. Musk dear, vegetable and minerals could also be exported to Britain. For all these purpose the British were watching Nepal and Tibet. Tibet had requested Chinese help in the attack. Therefore Nepal sought help from British due to a fear of China.
                          Nepal had a difference opinion with the East India Company, regarding to ownership of a strip of land in western Terai, particularly of the Butwal and Seoraj. The outcome of the disagreement was a war with the British. The British launched their attack on the Nepali frontiers at Nalapani, the western most part of Nepal in 1814.m though the Nepali was able to inflict heavy losses on the British. Army on various fronts, the larger army and superior weapons of the British proved to be too strong. The Nepali army evacuated the areas west of the Mahakali River and ultimately the Treaty of sugouli was signed with the British.
The Rise of Rana in Nepal    
          The pieenor of the Rana was Jung Bahadur Rana. Jumg Bahadur rose to power after the kot massacre in 1846. He had entered the court in 1840, when he participated in the hunting group of king. Rajendra and was made captain due to his gallantry and courage. When he knew of King Rajendra Bikram shahs plans in exile to do away with him, he placed the crown prince surendra on the throne and received the approval of many countries as well as British India. He exercised all power himself and made the king a mere cipher. Jung Bahadur Rana was born in Gorkha on jone 18, 1817. In Nepal ten Rana Priminister was ruled.